Said to expand the Exiles landscape by "roughly 50 percent", the new snow swept plains promise new environments, monsters, and buildings, as well as "new game features and more", so says Funcom head of games Lawrence Poe.
Here's a glimpse at the new zone in motion:
Poe adds: "As the game is still in Early Access, everyone who has already bought or decides to buy the game while it’s still in development will get access to this massive update at no extra charge."
Expect the new frozen highlands in the north on August 16, which is also when Conan Exiles lands on Xbox One Game Preview. Here's a smattering of screens from the new biome too:
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Welcome back to The PC Gamer Show, our weekly livestreamed podcast. You can catch the show live on Wednesdays at 1 pm PDT on our Twitch channel, or after the fact at any of the links below.
This week we'll be taking a look at Conan Exiles, talking about what we want from a Square Enix Marvel game, and more—including our usual Twitch chat Q&A.
The week's topics:The ZeniMax-Oculus court case has wrapped up.We talk about what we've been playing recently.Chris and James talk about their time in Conan Exiles.Tom gets excited about a Marvel game from Square Enix.We take your questions from Twitch Chat.James is a very happy boy.Listen:
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Last week's episode
Your flapping heads for this episode:
Tom Marks
James Davenport
Chris Livingston
The awesome images we use for the show were made for usin Source Filmmaker by Ness "Uberchain" Delacroix. You can find herDeviantArt page here and herPatreon page here.
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Lethis: Path of Progress bills itself as a steampunk fantasy 'city-building' strategy game. I wouldn't call it that, although it's true—technically—that you can, and do, build cities. (Brass ones! Steam-powered ones!) Instead, I'd describe Lethis: Path of Progress as a management sim, in the worst possible way. This is a game about spinning plates POE currency trade .
Before I let loose with my litany of gripes, though, I should stress that Lethis: Path of Progress's art is very, very special. If I could recommend any game on aesthetic alone, this would be the one. It's splendidly detailed and sweet, and cartoonish, with all these teensy-tiny cobblestones everywhere. Professor Layton would live here. A Miyazaki movie would be filmed here.
The first time I encountered an elaborate new animated model, the effect was breathtaking. That initial magic is eventually dampened—there are maybe too many hot air balloons, too many giant silkworms, all strangely static and unchanging—but the first time, oh boy.
Another strength is its musical score—which is fortunate, since the player will invariably be hearing these ditties a whole lot. Really, it's some of the best game music I've ever heard, striking this perfect ineffable chord between Joe Hisaishi and George Gershwin POE goods .