With a large group of stocks being traded, the best way to inquire about stocks has been provided through the following:
Providing a website through which old shares can be inquired about in order to facilitate investors.
You can access the Saudi trading website, which facilitates the possibility of inquiring about stocks through it.
Enter the Tadawul website by registering to inquire about old shares on the website.
Register the required data for the inquirer.تخصيص اكتتاب ام بي سي
Write the password in the space provided to inquire about old shares.
Register an account via the Tadawul website if you do not have an account on the website.
Write all the data required to create an account correctly.
After an account is created on the site and all account information is completed, it is possible to inquire about the shares and collect information about them.
You can find out everything related to stocks by accessing the website